Monday, February 08, 2010

What Does Love Look Like?

Love comes in all shapes and sizes and is one of the strongest emotions.  To me the greatest picture of love I have witnessed in my shop was the marriage of a beautiful 85+ to a 90+ both hard of hearing and had some difficulty moving around, but demonstrated that love that the Bible talks about, patient, kind, longsuffering thinking of the other first. It was a second relationship with their first spouses passing away, they knew each other from childhood and found they needed companionship and so they married.  They resided in a seniors residence and decided one day to up and get in the car and go on an adventure, some 500 km or 300 miles away, to the mountains, no less.  Bless their hearts!  I hope I have that
kind of tenacity when I get to that age!   

1 comment:

  1. Me too! This old couple sound like they are certainly having fun.
